One of the reasons I have such a hard time keeping my portfolio updated is that a lot of what I do is strategic communications consulting. When you’re helping clients formulate an approach to their brand storytelling, it can be weeks or months before you get to see the fruits of that labour. Even if you’re the one writing the copy and providing creative direction for the relevant pieces.

That’s the case with one of my favourite recent projects, in which I collaborated with Hacoet Social Innovations Solutions (HSIS) to provide communication support to the Technical Assistance for Waste Sector Improvement and Engagement with Civil Society in Tuvalu. (A mouthful, I know; development projects tend to be that way. 😂)

An aerial shot of Funafuti, Tuvalu courtesy of IUGS.

Projects like these are always a joy to work on because, not only do I get to learn new things, but I also get to design an outreach approach that makes a positive impact AND provide creative direction and copy for the materials that go along with it.

In this case, I spent some time researching Tuvalu, a stunning collection of islands in the South Pacific. I learned that, as one of the world’s smallest and most remote countries, it’s also facing some of the most catastrophic climate change impacts. This includes rising sea levels and coastal erosion, both of which are threatening to diminish their already limited landmass. On top of that, they urgently need to adopt progressive waste management policies to protect the ocean habitat they rely on for their livelihoods and to prevent trash from overwhelming their gorgeous islands.

That’s where I came in. They needed a strategy to promote sustainable waste management practices and encourage civil society engagement in a way that would resonate with Tuvaluans. That meant I, an island girl from the other side of the world, got to learn about Tuvaluan culture and customs so I could craft messaging that would get the job done.

I built a communication strategy and implementation plan catering to their unique media landscape. It revolved around four campaigns and an interschool activity designed to inform Tuvaluans about their waste collection schedules, show them how to properly sort their waste, and sensitise them to the dangers of littering and the importance of recycling.

Then, I provided the creative concepts and copy for all 47 deliverables. From social media carousels to flyers, radio ads to classroom activities, I wrote it all.

It was a blast.

It’ll be a while before I get to see the results of this one, but that’s ok. I’m happy to know that I did my part to help the beautiful people of Tuvalu.

Thanks for reading!

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